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Consuming Fire

There must be more than this Oh breath of God come breathe within There must be more than this Spirit of God we wait for you Fill us anew we pray Fill us anew we pray Consuming fire fan into flame A passion for your name Spirit of God fall in this place Lord have your way Lord have your way with us Come like a rushing wind Clothe us with power from on high Now set the captives free Leave us abandoned to your praise Lord let your glory fall Lord let your glory fall Stir it up in our hearts Lord Stir it up in our hearts Lord A passion for your name *words written by Tim Hughes
Recent posts
I am amazed at how constant He is in my life--never changing. He blesses my heart to know that even when I am so tired and weak, He becomes my strength. When I put Him on the back-burner yet again in my life, that He is still there waiting for me to put Him back where He belongs. Afterall it was my choice to put Him there in the first place. I think so many times (at least from my own experience) we get caught up in everyday life, when our "everyday life" should consist of Him consistently. :) We need to make sure we are putting in our time to get to know Him. He wants to see how much we love Him by how much time we spend WITH Him. He needs to be number one, those dishes in the sink can wait an hour, the laundry doesn't have to be started first, and the TV show that comes on at 9 doesn't need to dictate how I spend my time. I got stuck in this mess, now I am trying to get out of it. This life I am learning takes a lot of DISCIPLINE. Which is definately a goo


Life in general brings ups and downs, twists and turns--it's a roller coaster if you will. However the one and only thing that I have found to be so constant is my relationship with my Heavenly Father. He's always there in life's happy moments like finding out that you are pregnant, in life's not so happy moments like your cousin committing suicide, and in life's in between moments. He's there all the time, it's whether or not we choose to accept and acknowledge His presence. He's faithful when we couldn't be anymore faithless, He loves unconditionally while we are only loving back under certain conditions. He is speaking to us when we keep running farther and farther away. He is bringing conviction to our lives even though we don't want to change. He cares soo much about us--He knows every hair on our heads for pete's sake. :) I am so thankful that He is all these things. My life wouldn't be much of a life without Him in it. So, sorry if

It's worth fighting for.

This generation needs to wake up. I am so tired of people living their lives for Christ by sitting on the fence. We need to start being examples for other young people to follow--examples of a high standard. We need to wake up from complacency and live BIG for God. We need to rise up to where God has called us to be in the body of Christ. We need to quit being stagnant in our walks. We need to draw the line and then run from it, not to it. I am just so tired of people claiming the name of Jesus, but yet there is no standard. There is nothing different about a person who claims to be a Christian than a person that is lost out in this world. There should be a difference, it's light and dark we are talking about, it is clear as black and white. (not in a racial sense either) We can't expect to change this world if we have any ties to this world. We need to stand out by showing love to the hurting, broken-hearted, damaged people. I was once one of those lost and hurting people. I w

Fear, a dangerous trap.

"Do not fear anything except the Lord Almighty. He alone is the Holy One. If you fear Him, you need fear nothing else." --Isaiah 8:13 (NLT) I guess I don't truly fear God b/c if I did, I would not fear anything else. Last night I had a dream which occurs every so often, usually 3 main people two of which are the same every time and the other changes. I don't usually remember my dreams, but I remember these every time and usually wake up with fear and it's hard for me to fall back asleep. One of my friends asked a couple of us what we fear, two out of the four of us answered, but we didn't get to myself and the one that asked the question. I have a couple things I fear. I think a lot of us do. Some people may fear: -dying -being embarassed -speaking in front of others -not fulfilling your purpose -letting people down -getting too close to people -not being able to have children -not pleasing God -etc. the list goes on and on The fear


So lately my priorities have been majorly out of whack. I've been putting things that I enjoy doing like hanging out, having fun, and doing whatever it is that I want to do. However I don't think it is suppose to be that way. My life needs discipline, a discipline that will cause this to happen in my priorities: 1. God 2. My husband 3. Everything else and last thing on my list should be myself. I've been doing things to satisfy my flesh, what makes me "feel" good, and not paying much attention to the One who loves me more than anyone. He desires our attention, our everything. More of Him and less of me. ~John 3:30 I need to clean up my life. Or should I say surrender myself to Him so He can clean up my life? Yeah, that is the best way. I would just mess it up if I tried to do it. I am nothing without Christ being number one in my life. My only need is HIM, and Him alone. He will take care of everything else, I just need to back off and let Him take it all. I am ti

Questions & Answers

Trying to figure out where I went wrong. Trying to figure out how I can get back on track. Somehow I think that I am not suppose to know these answers, or should I say I probably wouldn't be asking these questions if I wouldn't have gotten off track in the first place. Jesus reigns though. He is faithful and good. Not dwelling on things, just trying to make sense of things. Trying to see what I need to do different in and with my life. I don't want to keep going around and around this mountain. I would like to climb straight up it and reach the top in victory. It's a process, right? Right.