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It's worth fighting for.

This generation needs to wake up. I am so tired of people living their lives for Christ by sitting on the fence. We need to start being examples for other young people to follow--examples of a high standard. We need to wake up from complacency and live BIG for God. We need to rise up to where God has called us to be in the body of Christ. We need to quit being stagnant in our walks. We need to draw the line and then run from it, not to it.

I am just so tired of people claiming the name of Jesus, but yet there is no standard. There is nothing different about a person who claims to be a Christian than a person that is lost out in this world. There should be a difference, it's light and dark we are talking about, it is clear as black and white. (not in a racial sense either) We can't expect to change this world if we have any ties to this world. We need to stand out by showing love to the hurting, broken-hearted, damaged people. I was once one of those lost and hurting people. I want to show others that you can live a life full of joy & peace. Show them that they can be forgiven, just like I was and that I still am in need of that forgiveness. Show them something that is real and unchanging.

This life isn't always peaches and cream, but it is definately worth living and fighting for. I am not saying this is going to be easy either. It is going to take a lot of discipline, which is something that I am not good with, but I know it is not unreachable. It is going to take strength and courage to stand up for what I believe in, but it is not unattainable. It is going to take work, but it is not for nothing. It is going to take persecution, but it is worth it. It is going to take a lot from us, but Jesus went through so much more, by dying on that cross for you and me. His death was not in vain my friends.

We need to live fruitful lives. That is what we are/will be known by. You're either going to produce good fruit or bad fruit(light/dark or black/white) There can be no gray in the middle kind of people. I just want to see people raise up and quit living partially for God and partially for their own selfish reasons. I am tired of playing God and seeing people play God--one day we will have to face Him and we WILL be judged.

God, I just pray that you would shake us, change us from the inside out Lord. Open doors that you want open and close the ones you want closed. Mold us and shape us into the people you have called us to be. Let the body of Christ rise to their place of authority and UNITY. Put a fire in our hearts that can never be put out. Help us to keep running Lord. Amen.

[My heart right now is aching for people (myself included) to rise up and take a stand for this faith that all of us claim to believe in. I am tired of being disappointed in the way we as people choose to walk out this life. I hope I got my point across.]


  1. Not just YOUR generation, but ALL generations of Christians need to follow the advice you gave here. The world needs to be able to see the difference between us and the lost, otherwise we are being useless to the kingdom of God. We need to continually hold each other accountable, and I'm glad you are willing to step out and challenge us! Thanks, Katie!


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