However the one and only thing that I have found to be so constant is my relationship with my Heavenly Father. He's always there in life's happy moments like finding out that you are pregnant, in life's not so happy moments like your cousin committing suicide, and in life's in between moments. He's there all the time, it's whether or not we choose to accept and acknowledge His presence.
He's faithful when we couldn't be anymore faithless, He loves unconditionally while we are only loving back under certain conditions. He is speaking to us when we keep running farther and farther away. He is bringing conviction to our lives even though we don't want to change. He cares soo much about us--He knows every hair on our heads for pete's sake. :)
I am so thankful that He is all these things. My life wouldn't be much of a life without Him in it. So, sorry if this is the same old story talking about the God in which I serve, but I can't help it. He has done so much in my life, that I don't want to keep quiet. Too many "christians" sit around and keep quiet. So there is my update for ya. Take it for what it is. Have a Merry Christmas to all of you!
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