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Showing posts from October, 2008

Fear, a dangerous trap.

"Do not fear anything except the Lord Almighty. He alone is the Holy One. If you fear Him, you need fear nothing else." --Isaiah 8:13 (NLT) I guess I don't truly fear God b/c if I did, I would not fear anything else. Last night I had a dream which occurs every so often, usually 3 main people two of which are the same every time and the other changes. I don't usually remember my dreams, but I remember these every time and usually wake up with fear and it's hard for me to fall back asleep. One of my friends asked a couple of us what we fear, two out of the four of us answered, but we didn't get to myself and the one that asked the question. I have a couple things I fear. I think a lot of us do. Some people may fear: -dying -being embarassed -speaking in front of others -not fulfilling your purpose -letting people down -getting too close to people -not being able to have children -not pleasing God -etc. the list goes on and on The fear


So lately my priorities have been majorly out of whack. I've been putting things that I enjoy doing like hanging out, having fun, and doing whatever it is that I want to do. However I don't think it is suppose to be that way. My life needs discipline, a discipline that will cause this to happen in my priorities: 1. God 2. My husband 3. Everything else and last thing on my list should be myself. I've been doing things to satisfy my flesh, what makes me "feel" good, and not paying much attention to the One who loves me more than anyone. He desires our attention, our everything. More of Him and less of me. ~John 3:30 I need to clean up my life. Or should I say surrender myself to Him so He can clean up my life? Yeah, that is the best way. I would just mess it up if I tried to do it. I am nothing without Christ being number one in my life. My only need is HIM, and Him alone. He will take care of everything else, I just need to back off and let Him take it all. I am ti

Questions & Answers

Trying to figure out where I went wrong. Trying to figure out how I can get back on track. Somehow I think that I am not suppose to know these answers, or should I say I probably wouldn't be asking these questions if I wouldn't have gotten off track in the first place. Jesus reigns though. He is faithful and good. Not dwelling on things, just trying to make sense of things. Trying to see what I need to do different in and with my life. I don't want to keep going around and around this mountain. I would like to climb straight up it and reach the top in victory. It's a process, right? Right.

Letting go, but letting God.

It is funny how you think you might have things down pat, you even talk to a friend and say how you don't understand how people don't get it. How simple it seems to make a CHOICE, but it's not that way when you are the one having to make that choice. This is what I don't get:(scattered thoughts so beware) I guess I just labeled myself. Things seem simple when looking at other people's lives. Basically judging them and telling myself how not capable they are. I repent for ever saying things like this Lord. Show me how to get this LOG out of my eye before I worry about that speck in anothers eye. All I need to be concerned about is me, but oh how hard this is, when you see things and hear things. I need a change of heart I suppose. I need to "let go and let God" what a simple saying, but oh how hard it is to actually follow through. I like how I thought I gave it to Him. Thought I was on the path to recovery. Apparently not. As a "sold out&qu